A vivid array of flavours awaits you!
From fiery chilis and aromatic spices, to refreshing coconut milk and the freshest of seafood, there is a Sri Lankan dish to suit all tastes.
There is a reason why Sri Lankan restaurants are on the rise in the western world, the food is varied, delicious and a true crowd pleaser.
Start the day like a local with a potato or egg curry and accompany it with a side of roti or string hoppers. For lunch enjoy a tender jackfruit curry, a spicy and sweet devilled stir fry, or even head to the sea to treat yourself to some freshly grilled prawns.
Make sure to head into town in the evening and get greeted by the rhythmic sound from street vendors making the classic dish, Kothu Roti, and enjoy it with a local Lion beer. And don't forget to make a stop or two when you travel around to refresh yourself with a freshly picked sweet pineapple.
Can’t wait to try Sri Lankan’s delicious cuisine? How about checking out our super simple Dhal recipe at the bottom of this page.

Recipe for a Classic
Sri Lankan Dhal
120g Lentils
1tsp Curry Powder
1tsp Turmeric
1tsp Chili Powder
1tsp Dijon mustard
0.5tsp Salt
1/2 Red Onion, diced
2 Garlic cloves, sliced
8 Dried Curry Leaves
1 Red Chili, halved
1 tin of Coconut Milk
1) Rinse the lentils in cold water
2) Take cream off coconut milk and leave to one side
3)Put everything in a saucepan with the rest of the coconut water and about an additional 100ml of cold water
4) Bring to boil and keep at a rolling boil for about 15 mins or until a thick tender consistency
5) Add a heaped dessert spoon of the coconut cream and heat for 1 min
6) Taste and add more salt and coconut if required
7) Enjoy! Sprinkle over some fresh coriander and serve with a warm Roti